A couple of months ago, I was reading Nik Perring’s blog post about the first cheque he received as a writer.
Cally Taylor wrote in the comments that, with her first cheque as a writer, she had bought herself a silver bracelet – something she could keep as a permanent memento.
I thought this was a brilliant idea, so when I got my first cheque a couple of weeks ago (for a filler in a magazine), I stole her brilliant idea and bought myself this beautiful pewter feather bracelet from Retro Rock Chick.
It was a toss-up between the feather bracelet and a skull bracelet I found on ebay, so I put it to a Twitter and Facebook vote – the feathers won by far. I’ll get the skulls with my next cheque.
If you fancy having a go at fillers, I recommend How to Make £10 in 10 Minutes by Linda Lewis (only £1.53 on Kindle at the time of writing this). I read it, wrote down some tips, went and bought some magazines for ‘research’, sent off a few fillers (they can all be sent by email so it only takes a couple of minutes) and a few weeks later got an email that one of them would be published and they’d be sending me £25. Not bad for about 20 words, huh?
Very cool!